Pixie Parker, our Muse of the Week

On this glorious sunny Spring Friday, Pixie Parker took the time to speak to us as our 'Muse of the Week'. During this huge change in our society due to the onset of the Pandemic, I have become very aware of how young people especially are feeling during this time.

Pixie is a recently graduated Graphic Designer who is part of the Esteem team in Shoreham-by-Sea.

Pixie took the time to talk to us about what they think we could do to make the world a better place during this changing time.

'ESTEEM is a Sussex based charity which offers young adults aged 14-26 opportunities to develop confidence, build life-skills and improve well-being. We do this by providing relevant volunteering experience throughout all elements of our organisation.  ESTEEM encourages and values input from young people and we champion a youth-led approach.'

Esteem Charity Shpreham-by-Sea

This is the link to the JustGiving Valentines Day project that ESTEEM are currently running: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/sharethelove2020

Have a look at @pixielunadesign on Instagram to follow Pixie's creative journey into the future